Mechanical Engineering - Automobile Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Automobile Engineering - Section 4 (Q.No. 15)
The best fuels for compression ignition engines are
15 comments Page 1 of 2.
Arun said:
2 years ago
Option A is the right answer.
Pankaj dhatwalia said:
3 years ago
A. Straight chain paraffin is the right answer.
Dinesh said:
4 years ago
Straight chain paraffin is the right answer.
Vinay BEL said:
4 years ago
Straight chain paraffin is the right one.
Shivam said:
5 years ago
The property of ignition lag is generally measured in terms of retane number. Cetane, straight-chain paraffin with good ignition quality, is arbitrarily assigned a rating of 100 cetane number. It is mixed with alpha-methyl-naphthalene, a hydrocarbon with poor ignition quality, which is assigned 0 cetane number.
Rajat said:
6 years ago
Cetane as 100 while alpha methyl naphthalene is 0. So it is normal chain paraffin (paraffin).
Rahul said:
6 years ago
Naphthalene is used in race cars as a booster fuel.
Chinmaya G A said:
6 years ago
Sir why naphthalene only using? Explain.
Deep said:
6 years ago
Parrafine is more suitable for CI engine and aromatic is used for SI engine.
Syed Sameer said:
6 years ago
The paraffin are major constituents of natural gas and petroleum. Branched-chain paraffins have a much higher octane number rating than straight-chain paraffins and, therefore, are the more desirable constituents of gasoline. The hydrocarbons are immiscible with water. All paraffins are colourless.
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