Logical Reasoning - Verbal Classification - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Verbal Classification - Type 2 (Q.No. 3)
Directions to Solve
Remember, you are looking for the word that does NOT belong in the same group as the others. Sometimes, all four words seem to fit in the same group. If so, look more closely to further narrow your classification.

Which word does NOT belong with the others?
Answer: Option
A peninsula, island, and cape are all landforms; a bay is a body of water.
5 comments Page 1 of 1.

Sumit said:   8 years ago
Peninsula, Island, and Bay are related to geography but the cape isn't.

So, the right answer 'Cape'.

Vedant said:   10 years ago
Island is the answer as it is totally surrounded by water unlike rest of three.

Basling said:   1 decade ago
Peninsula = Land almost surrounded by a water.

Island = Piece of a land surrounded by water.

Bay = An inlet of the sea with a wider opening than a gulf.

Cape = Head of land running into the sea so the answer is bay.

CSVLN SARMA said:   1 decade ago
Island is also having a characteristic of shoreline. In Islands also there are beaches and resorts. Bay is the correct answer.

Karlo said:   1 decade ago
This one is up for debate. Your answer is right but so it's mine. I said island was the odd out. Think.

A peninsula, a bay and a cape are all characteristics of a shoreline. A bay is referred to the wholesome. Without a inward shape of the shoreline, there would be no bay.

An island is not a characteristic of a shoreline.

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