Logical Reasoning - Statement and Assumption - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Statement and Assumption - Section 6 (Q.No. 13)
Directions to Solve

In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions, decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly.


Statement: "Television X - the neighbour's envy, the owner's pride" - A T.V. advertisement.


  1. Catchy slogans appeal to people.
  2. People are envious of their neighbours superior possessions.
  3. People want to be envied by their neighbours.

Only I and II are implicit
Only II and III are implicit
Only I and III are implicit
All are implicit
None of these
Answer: Option
Clearly, both I and II directly follow from the statement. Also, it is clear that people wish to buy a thing which they can be proud of. So, III is not implicit.
11 comments Page 1 of 2.

Wallah said:   6 years ago
If you're considering 1 as implicit then you've got to consider 3 as well.

Bastian said:   7 years ago
How is it implied that catchy slogans appeal to people?

Alok Chahahnde said:   8 years ago
The catchy-ness of a slogan changes from person to person. But the slogan with neighbors' envy is clearly aimed at people who want to stand apart in their peer circle. Surely the statement III is implicit.

Tarik said:   9 years ago
The ad is targeting those that obviously want to be envied by their neighbors, if they did not think that were the case, then the advertiser would not include it in their ad.

It's clear that their target demographic includes people that would make a purchase so as to boost their ego's by way of their neighbors envy. The answer is clearly D (All are implicit)

Ritabrita said:   9 years ago
I strongly feel III is implicit. When they are saying that slogan is catchy to people itself implies that the consumer will be wanting to make the neighbours envious.

James said:   9 years ago
It says exactly the same thing, the answer contradicts itself.

Saurabh said:   9 years ago
Statement I is not implicit as the slogan appeal to people will depend from individual to individual.

Sandeep Gupta said:   9 years ago
Neighbor's envy, directly implies that one would want neighbors to be envious of their possessions. So III is implicit. As for I it is a catchy slogan to me but catchy can be subjective!

Penny said:   1 decade ago
Isn't III implicit? They post advertisements according to the customers' wants.

Since they included "neighbor's envy" doesn't that mean that people actually want to be envied by others?

Ayvin said:   1 decade ago
I agree that III is not implicit, since the statement only mentions that owners want to be proud (and nothing about how they want their neighbours to feel).

However, I do not agree that I is implicit, since the statement does not offer any information about its success as a TV advertisement (also, "catchy" is a highly subjective term).

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