Logical Reasoning - Statement and Argument - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Statement and Argument - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
Directions to Solve

Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong' argument and which is a 'weak' argument.

Give answer:

  • (A) If only argument I is strong
  • (B) If only argument II is strong
  • (C) If either I or II is strong
  • (D) If neither I nor II is strong and
  • (E) If both I and II are strong.


Statement: Should India encourage exports, when most things are insufficient for internal use itself?


  1. Yes. We have to earn foreign exchange to pay for our imports.
  2. No. Even selective encouragement would lead to shortages.
Only argument I is strong
Only argument II is strong
Either I or II is strong
Neither I nor II is strong
Both I and II are strong
Answer: Option
Clearly, India can export only the surplus and that which can be saved after fulfilling its own needs, to pay for its imports. Encouragement to export cannot lead to shortages as it shall provide the resources for imports. So, only argument I holds.
18 comments Page 1 of 2.

Emma said:   2 years ago

I don't think the argument 1 follows. Because no where it is said that only through exportation will be able to import, so having exportation as the only way to importation is not correct.

As well, the problem touches the issue of internal satisfaction, and the argument one does not take that into consideration.

Bedanta said:   3 years ago
Selective means the things which is produced at a large scale, fulfilling the needs in the country others can be exported rather than wasted or kept in cold storage. It will earn foreign currencies for that special budget year where the country can easily focus on things that is needed such as oil but not produced much.

Hence, statement 1 holds strong.

Dipankar said:   4 years ago
I think statement 1 is true because it is strongly recommended for a country to grow. And it is clear that statement 2 is not true because it is directly given selective things which is not necessary.

Saurabh Khaladkar said:   4 years ago
But they've said most of the things are insufficient for internal use itself,

Do they mean most of the things that we export are insufficient for internal use? Please explain me.

ShaShank said:   6 years ago
Yes, when most things are insufficient for internal use itself then why one must encourage Export. But doesn't that insufficiency be filled by earning forex reserves so we can import things?

So, I believe Statement 1 follows.

Ubani said:   6 years ago

Exactly! The later part of the sentence says "when most things are insufficient for internal use". How can we be talking of export to pay for imports when the basic things required for use internally aren't enough?

In my opinion, 2 is not even a strong argument because some selective exports would not lead to so long as they are not part of the"major things that are insufficient for internal use".

Rajkumar thakur said:   8 years ago
When most things are insufficient to internal use how we can export it leads to the shortage. So how statement 1 is strong? So, it should be 2.

Raghav said:   8 years ago
How can we say that 1st 1 follows because in the statement that's clear that insufficient things then we can export things? Please explain me.

Andrew Kim said:   8 years ago
Argument C is correct in my opinion. A nation's wealth Is mostly accumulated by what is sold domestically and globally these days. India, on the other hand, has enough number of people to sustain its own economy, but it surely wouldn't care for it because global trade is the only way to stay competitive in this globalised era. So, yes, if India only encourages only for the export, they might not have sufficient resources in their hands to feed its over-billion population. And also yes, like the argument I said, if most of the money earned from export should be spent on buying foreign items, India can succeed. Even if you just look at the number of people you can see how tremendously much amount of goods they can produce with less money, you will say this country needs to export, forsake of the only advantage that India has, cheap and giant labour force.

So, both the arguments are strong given that if each one was to hold different account and situation, each of them can be proven with enough evidence. However, if the both account is to be in the same situation where they both are situated either in anti-import or in anti-export policies, then either argument I is true or argument II is true.

Madhav Kakkar said:   10 years ago
Argument 1 doesn't seems to be strong because it is not totally related with Statement.

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