Logical Reasoning - Letter and Symbol Series - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Letter and Symbol Series - Type 2 (Q.No. 11)
Directions to Solve
Look carefully at the sequence of symbols to find the pattern. Select correct pattern.

Answer: Option
In each of the segments, the figures alternate between one-half and one-fourth shaded.
11 comments Page 1 of 2.
Jayavarthini said:
7 months ago
In each of the segments, the figures alternate between one-half and one-fourth shaded.
In each of the segments, the figures alternate between one-half and one-fourth shaded.
Misba Harun Shaikh said:
11 months ago
Nice explanations. Thanks.
Anjali said:
4 years ago
@Somasekhar Reddy.
In each of the segments, the figures alternate between one-half and one-fourth shaded.
In each of the segments, the figures alternate between one-half and one-fourth shaded.
Somasekhar reddy said:
4 years ago
Plaese, explain the answer in detail.
Amjad khan said:
6 years ago
4 is the answer.
Soumyajit said:
10 years ago
The 1st and 2nd each segment has got 2 half and 1 one-forth filled element, hence the 3rd segment should also follow the same trend. So, the answer should be option D.
Hlodowig said:
1 decade ago
I did this by counting the number of white spaces in each segment. We needed 5 more white spaces to get the right count ;).
Works the same by adding the black spaces.
Works the same by adding the black spaces.
Sonam said:
1 decade ago
Answer D id the best option, as you can see in each of the segment 1st figure has 2 vacant column, 2nd has one then 3rd has 2 again same you can see in 2nd segment and in 3rd segment also the same trend would be applicable. Thus the answer is D only.
Golu said:
1 decade ago
As option c contains 2 part filled in both the figures hence its not possible.
Mithlesh kumar said:
1 decade ago
In each fig the filling of fig is anticlock wise so why can't c option is correct?
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