Logical Reasoning - Analogies - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Analogies - Type 6 (Q.No. 19)
Directions to Solve
Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the original pair of words.
Answer: Option
Jaundice is an indication of a liver problem; rash is an indication of a skin problem.
7 comments Page 1 of 1.
Reena said:
3 years ago
Dialysis is not the indication of kidney disorder. It is the treatment given to the patient after kidney failure.
Khushboo said:
3 years ago
Why not option C?
Because of smoke lungs get affected.
Because of smoke lungs get affected.
Aashi said:
5 years ago
Why not Option C?
Einsteve said:
7 years ago
Jaundice is a disease and rash is on the skin is a disease so the answer is correct.
Dialysis is a process to cure the kidney so that is not correct.
Dialysis is a process to cure the kidney so that is not correct.
Amna said:
8 years ago
Dialysis is a machine for kidney and it links to kidney it should be a right answer!
Moni said:
8 years ago
Why not smog : lung?
Raghuvir singh chauhan said:
9 years ago
My point of views is Jaundice is an indication of a liver problem, dialysis is an indication of a kidney problem.
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