Java Programming - Language Fundamentals - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Language Fundamentals - General Questions (Q.No. 11)
Which one is a valid declaration of a boolean?
Answer: Option
A boolean can only be assigned the literal true or false.
15 comments Page 1 of 2.
Akash Prajapati said:
4 years ago
Boolean is only format in true or false. And is 2byte memory Located. And Boolean s1= false. Is correct format. Boolean s1= "false" is wrong, Because boolean is not "" this use.
Bhanu said:
7 years ago
Either boolean should be true or false nor (0, 1) then why not option A is correct?
Tamisevi said:
8 years ago
Why b is not correct?
Neeraja said:
9 years ago
Option A is not correct because in boolean data type it's consists only true or false statement.
Option B also not correct because false is declared within single quotes like string.
So, Option C is right.
Option B also not correct because false is declared within single quotes like string.
So, Option C is right.
Vinita said:
9 years ago
Why A is not Correct? Answer me clearly.
Anurag said:
1 decade ago
Option A is not correct because Boolean value cannot be 0 because it is a long value.
Option B is not correct.
Option D is not correct because there is no class Boolean.
Option E is not correct it should be "true" or "false".
Option B is not correct.
Option D is not correct because there is no class Boolean.
Option E is not correct it should be "true" or "false".
Amaziane said:
1 decade ago
For the option D we can initialize a boolean with this method.
Boolean b = Boolean.FALSE;
Boolean b = Boolean.TRUE;
Boolean b = Boolean.FALSE;
Boolean b = Boolean.TRUE;
Upendra said:
1 decade ago
Answer: C.
Because the Java people had given some default values to all the primitive data type like for int =0; For String=null;.
Because the Java people had given some default values to all the primitive data type like for int =0; For String=null;.
Bishal said:
1 decade ago
Boolean default value is false & it also take true but not with any kind of invited comma.
Avinash said:
1 decade ago
Boolean by default false in java. In java Boolean has only two value false and true. Not (0, 1) like C.
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