Java Programming - Assertions - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Assertions - Finding the output (Q.No. 4)
What will be the output of the program (when you run with the -ea option) ?
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
int x = 0;
assert (x > 0) : "assertion failed"; /* Line 6 */
Answer: Option
An assertion Error is thrown as normal giving the output "assertion failed". The word "finished" is not printed (ensure you run with the -ea option)
Assertion failures are generally labeled in the stack trace with the file and line number from which they were thrown, and also in this case with the error's detail message "assertion failed". The detail message is supplied by the assert statement in line 6.
13 comments Page 1 of 2.
Vikash Bhel said:
5 years ago
And thus x is not greater than 0. So the condition is false.
So, how the answer is correct?
And thus x is not greater than 0. So the condition is false.
So, how the answer is correct?
Tul baghresh said:
6 years ago
How condition x>0 is true?
Harsh said:
8 years ago
How to enable ea option in Net bean?
Tarang Malvaniya said:
8 years ago
Output is A) finished.
Dahaf said:
9 years ago
Assertions help a programmer to declare his assumptions.
Manpreet said:
1 decade ago
I don't understand the use of assertion in java.
Kds said:
1 decade ago
I was running it from eclipse and got finished as answer.
Shwets said:
1 decade ago
Could you please explain what is the use of assertion, why to use assertion?
Suyash said:
1 decade ago
If we want to execute assertion line then.
With the interpreter we should use -ea to execute assertion line of code.
If we want to execute assertion line then.
With the interpreter we should use -ea to execute assertion line of code.
Vivek kumar said:
1 decade ago
What is -ea option? & what does -ea do?. mean javac is for compilation & java is for interpretation.
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