Explain how would be an asset to this organization?

HR Interview
Points to remember before you answer this interview question:
  • Imagine that you are right now seated in front of the HR manager.
  • Kindly answer this question as best you can.
  • Post your answer now.
166 posts Page 17 of 17.

Shiva said:   9 years ago
I shall synchronize my professional & personal goals with the Business goals of the company.

Bala said:   9 years ago
For example, if we buy an asset we always think we have to increase its value, the same way I will enhance myself continuously in day today and add value to the organisation.

Venkat said:   9 years ago
Sir I will put my 100 efforts for the growth of company.

Madhup gupta said:   9 years ago

Growth of any organisation depends on the loyalty of employees and the manner in which they work as a team. I am a loyal person as well as team player which in turn will prove me as an asset to organisation.

Irfan Ahmed Khan said:   9 years ago
Honesty and Sincerity are pillars of success. A person who possesses these qualities will be successful and an organisation which possess such persons will flourish. At last experience adds a feather.

Sailu said:   9 years ago
Sir, according to me growth of every organisation depends upon the hard work, dedication, and ability of each and every employee. As I am dedicated towards my work and able to prove myself best for the success of the organisation. So, I will be an asset to your organisation.

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