Privatization of Higher Education

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119 comments Page 12 of 12.

Nandeesh.c said:   1 decade ago
Private institutions are very needed to India to improve good human resources. But private institutes should maintain social justice it must be remove the mentality of profit because education field is not business area. So private institutes keep service mind not profit mind.

AVIJIT KUNDU said:   8 years ago
For the reason of huge population now government education sector is less. So I think considering the economical factor if private & government sector should collaborate with each other. Then only the quality of study, as well as monetary issue, will be preferable.

Gajanan Patil said:   9 years ago
Privatisation in education is not good for nation and society because it is way to get out of low socioeconomic person to high level it is duty of government to give free education and quality education if privatisation is present then expensive education.

Tushar said:   9 years ago
Hi everybody I feel its important that government and private sector should work together as it would be a win win situation for both the sector as well as student enjoy better service provided by the education university at a reasonable price.

Alain Michal said:   8 years ago
In France, where education was 90% public, the private sector gained the upper hand. The public universities lack money and is forced not to be competitive for admission.

Dharmendra said:   10 years ago
I think it is good for education must be supported by privates but all government rules followed and all liabilities are for in Indian government.

Visali said:   9 years ago
I agree with privatising the higher education. Government college won't provide a better knowledge. They have no facilities also.

Satyam said:   6 years ago
I think privatization of higher education should be done so that quality of education may be improved.

Hari said:   8 years ago
Privatization institutes are one of the business of rich people.

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