General Knowledge - World Geography - Discussion
Discussion Forum : World Geography - Section 4 (Q.No. 2)
The shape of earth is
13 comments Page 1 of 2.
Nazrul said:
8 years ago
It's right. It is not clearly a sphere.
Namitha said:
8 years ago
What about the statement " The Earth is spherical in shape"?
Geoffrey kihara said:
8 years ago
It's spherical as I have learnt. So explain your answer?
Pradipta said:
8 years ago
The earth's axis is not straight up and down but tilted at an angle 23.5 degrees. So the shape called oblate spheroid.
Bwaliz said:
9 years ago
The earth is spherical that's what I have leaned so try to explain well on that answer please?
Bwaliz said:
9 years ago
But I have leaned that the earth is spherical so why that I can't understand well.
Rahul said:
1 decade ago
Earth's circumference and diameter differ because its shape is classified as an oblate spheroid or ellipsoid, instead of a true sphere.
Bond said:
1 decade ago
The diameter of earth at the equator is more than the diameter between the poles.
Majonagbe Bayo said:
1 decade ago
The question says: "The shape of the earth is...". I think SPHERE is the correct answer because we're not told the position. I believe that Earth is Spherical NATURALLY.
Wilson said:
1 decade ago
Geoid is the shape of the earth.
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