General Knowledge - Inventions - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Inventions - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
What J. B. Dunlop invented?
Answer: Option
John Boyd Dunlop, a veterinary surgeon, invented the pneumatic tyre in 1887.
13 comments Page 1 of 2.
Shunmuga Arthi said:
1 decade ago
Pneumatic Tyre (Tire).
John Boyd Dunlop (1840-1921) was a Scottish veterinarian and the recognized inventor of the first practical pneumatic or inflatable tyre/tire. His patent was for a bicycle tire, granted in 1888. However, Robert William Thomson (1822 - 1873) invented the actual first vulcanised rubber pneumatic tire. Thomson patented his pneumatic tire in 1845, his invention worked well but was to costly to catch on. Dunlop's tire patented in 1888 did, and so he received the most recognition. William Thomson also patented a fountain pen (1849) and a steam traction engine (1867).
John Boyd Dunlop (1840-1921) was a Scottish veterinarian and the recognized inventor of the first practical pneumatic or inflatable tyre/tire. His patent was for a bicycle tire, granted in 1888. However, Robert William Thomson (1822 - 1873) invented the actual first vulcanised rubber pneumatic tire. Thomson patented his pneumatic tire in 1845, his invention worked well but was to costly to catch on. Dunlop's tire patented in 1888 did, and so he received the most recognition. William Thomson also patented a fountain pen (1849) and a steam traction engine (1867).
Deb said:
7 years ago
The materials of modern pneumatic tires are a synthetic rubber, natural rubber, fabric and wire, along with carbon black and other chemical compounds. They consist of a tread and a body. The tread provides traction while the body provides containment for a quantity of compressed air.
Nikesh said:
1 decade ago
John Boyd Dunlop (5 February 1840 - 23 October 1921) was a Scottish inventor. He was one of the founders of the rubber company that bore his name, Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company.
Teja muppalla said:
1 decade ago
Is this was the first invention for cycle ?
Do this rubber tire effected in the invention of cycle ?
Do this rubber tire effected in the invention of cycle ?
Teju said:
1 decade ago
Pneumatic is the application of pressurized gas to affect the mechanical motion.
Rashi said:
4 years ago
Then, Who invented the telegram? Anyone tell about it.
Ruby said:
1 decade ago
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Lavanya said:
1 decade ago
What is pneumatic rubber tire ?
Kashif khan said:
1 decade ago
Yes right answer is that.
Tahiruj jamal said:
1 year ago
Who invented electricity?
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