General Knowledge - General Science - Discussion
Discussion Forum : General Science - Elements and Metals (Q.No. 10)
Which of the gas is not known as green house gas?
Answer: Option
In order, the most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are:
* water vapor
* carbon dioxide
* methane
* nitrous oxide
* ozone
* chlorofluorocarbons
49 comments Page 1 of 5.
Salam said:
4 years ago
The Correct answer is Co2.
AYUSH said:
5 years ago
Hydrogen is not a greenhouse gas as it doesn't absorb the sunlight.
Narayan said:
5 years ago
Syeda arfain j said:
2 years ago
Why ozone is known as a greenhouse gas it is a protective layer?
BIPI said:
5 years ago
This gas is greenhouse gas than nearly about in atmosphere.
Abhinav said:
6 years ago
It's Nitrogen.
Archangel Micheal said:
7 years ago
Hydrogen is not known as a greenhouse gas because it's water.
Md kamer said:
9 years ago
What is the percentage of these gas in ozone layer?
Ruchita said:
8 years ago
Is sulfur dioxide a greenhouse gas?
Khushi said:
8 years ago
Carbon dioxide cause global warming.
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