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Discussion Forum : Famous Personalities - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
Who is the father of Geometry?
Answer: Option
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Praneeth said:   8 years ago
EUCLID is Greek mathematician and a Philosopher who founded a Megarian school of philosophy. He wrote one book called the elements which were divided into 13 parts. EUCLID is famous for his axioms and postulates.

Ratnam said:   8 years ago
Yes, I agree that Euclid is the father of geometry.

Bindu said:   9 years ago
The statue of Euclid is in the Oxford University Museum.

Lekha said:   9 years ago
Euclid enters history as one of the greatest of all mathematicians and he is often referred to as the father of geometry. The standard geometry most of us learned in school is called Euclidian Geometry.

Statue of Euclid in Oxford (Public Domain).

Euclid gathered up all of the knowledge developed in Greek mathematics at that time and created his great work, a book called 'The Elements' (3rd century 300 BCE).

This treatise is unequaled in the history of science and could safely lay claim to being the most influential non-religious book of all time.

Meraj khalid said:   9 years ago
That's right that Euclid is the father of geometry. But Pythagoras also works hard on it.

Bittu singh said:   9 years ago
I don't understand say about Euclid.

Kumar said:   1 decade ago
Euclid is the father of geometry.

Pythagoras is great mathematician because he simplified complexity in geometry with his Pythagoras theorem.

Kepler is a mathematician, astronomer and astrologer because he is known for Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

Amey Kasav said:   1 decade ago
The description of parallel line, axioms of points. He came to be known as Father of Geometry.

Nagesh shrama said:   1 decade ago
I know clearly about the father of geometry the great person "Euclid" is the father of geometry. He was active in Alexandria during the reign of Ptolemy.

He was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism.

Gangotree Paikaray said:   1 decade ago
Yes, I agree with all Euclid is the right answer. He born for Math and Geomentry.

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