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Discussion Forum : Famous Personalities - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
Who is the father of Geometry?
61 comments Page 1 of 7.
Ankita said:
4 years ago
Euclid is the correct answer.
Aarav said:
3 years ago
Euclid, sometimes called Euclid of Alexandria to distinguish him from Euclid of Megara, was a Greek mathematician, often referred to as the "founder of geometry" or the "father of geometry". He was active in Alexandria during the reign of Ptolemy.
Priyanka said:
2 years ago
Euclid was the father of geometry.
Rk bhuvaneswari said:
7 years ago
Yes, that's right Euclid is the father of geometry.
ROHIT said:
7 years ago
Yes, the Euclid is the father of geometry.
Sachin said:
8 years ago
Yes, I agree that Euclid is the father of geometry.
Bittu gupta said:
5 years ago
Euclid is the father of geometry and he had discovered the HCF and LCM by a proper method.
Arshad said:
1 decade ago
Euclid is man of geometry.
Nuthana prasanna said:
1 decade ago
Thanks friends. Now I know clearly about the father of geometry the great person "Euclid" is the father of geometry.
M.Ramesh said:
1 decade ago
Actually I don't know who is the father of geometry. Now I know clearly about the father of geometry the great person "Euclid" is the father of geometry. Thank you my dear friends.
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