General Knowledge - Basic General Knowledge - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Basic General Knowledge - Section 2 (Q.No. 50)
In which year a resolution 'Uniting for Peace' was adopted by UN General Assembly?
Answer: Option
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3 comments Page 1 of 1.

Sathish said:   9 years ago
@Shobha & @Dhirat.

Thanks for the explanation.

Shobha said:   1 decade ago
Under the resolution 377A(V), "Uniting for peace", adopted by the General Assembly on 3 November 1950, an "emergency special session" can be convened within 24 hours:

"Resolves that if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security. If not in session at the time, the General Assembly may meet in emergency special session within twenty-four hours of the request therefor. Such emergency special session shall be called if requested by the Security Council on the vote of any seven members, or by a majority of the Members of the United Nations".

Dhirat said:   1 decade ago
On 3rd November 1950, the General Assembly adopted this resolution (Resolution 377 A (V), which was given the title "Uniting for Peace".
The adoption of this reoltion came as a response to the strategy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to block any determination by the SC on measures to be taken in order to protect the Republicv of Korea against the aggression launched agtainst it by military fores from North Korea.

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