Electronics - Resistance and Power - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Resistance and Power - General Questions (Q.No. 6)
How is a 3.9 k resistor color-coded?
12 comments Page 1 of 2.
Tamilvanan said:
2 years ago
Here how 5 come for gold there is no colour given for gold then how the tolerance is +or-5? Please explain
Exerit said:
4 years ago
39 *10 2 Ω = 3.9 KΩ 5%
Vishnu said:
7 years ago
Gold 5%, Silver 10% tolerance.
Gold 5%, Silver 10% tolerance.
Siri said:
7 years ago
BBB means black, brown and blue.
Jeya said:
7 years ago
BB means black, brown or brown, black.
Raman Sharma said:
8 years ago
@Koppaka Rajesh.
How would you know it is 5%?
How would you know it is 5%?
Sai kumar said:
9 years ago
@M.V. Krishna is right.
Value of resistor is = 1st colour*2nd colour*10 to the power of 3rd colour.
Value of resistor is = 1st colour*2nd colour*10 to the power of 3rd colour.
Sheetal said:
10 years ago
Follow this word: BBROY Grate, Britain, Very, Good, Wife, (b, b, r, o, y, g, b, v, g, w).
Koppaka Rajesh said:
10 years ago
Orange, white, red, gold.
= 3 9 10^2 5%.
= 39*100 5%.
= 3900 5%.
= 3.9k 5%.
= 3 9 10^2 5%.
= 39*100 5%.
= 3900 5%.
= 3.9k 5%.
Dipak ghagare said:
1 decade ago
By rule of colour coding of resistor, 3 is orange, 9 is white And 2 is red so Calculate colour code 392 first two are as it is And last digit take power of 10.
i.e 10^2 = 100 then 39*100 = 3900 = 3.9k gold is tolerance 10.
i.e 10^2 = 100 then 39*100 = 3900 = 3.9k gold is tolerance 10.
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