Electronics - Diodes and Applications - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Diodes and Applications - General Questions (Q.No. 48)
The mimicking of an open/closed switch by a diode allows alternating current to be:
8 comments Page 1 of 1.
Syed Shakeeb said:
3 years ago
Mimicking is nothing but copying.
Which means the copying of the on and off switches.
Allows alternating current to flow in one direction.
Mimicking is nothing but copying.
Which means the copying of the on and off switches.
Allows alternating current to flow in one direction.
Magesh said:
6 years ago
A diode allows the current in one direction only so it implies the rectification operation so option A is correct.
Evana said:
6 years ago
Please, explain the answer briefly. How mimicking means following?
Jaskaran singh said:
8 years ago
Please explain this.
Abinanthana said:
9 years ago
Mimicking means following.
Shree said:
1 decade ago
Mimicking means?
Anamika Sharma said:
1 decade ago
As to converting from ac into dc diode with load resistance is used so it will perform same operation.
Saranjeet Singh said:
1 decade ago
Please write the explanation for the right answer.
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