Circuit Simulator - Triangle Wave Generator

Why should I learn to use the circuit simulator to design Triangle Wave Generator circuits?

Learn how to use circuit simulator software to design your own Triangle Wave Generator circuits.

Where can I get a Triangle Wave Generator circuit diagram with an explanation?

IndiaBIX provides numerous Triangle Wave Generator circuit diagrams with detailed explanations and working principles.

How do I design a Triangle Wave Generator circuit with this circuit simulator?

You can easily design Triangle Wave Generator circuit diagrams by practising with the given circuit simulator. With this online circuit simulator, you can design and simulate your own electronic circuits.

Triangle Wave Generator
Triangle Wave Generator
Circuit Description:
This circuit is an oscillator that generates a triangle wave.

The second half of the circuit is an inverting integrator. The first op-amp starts with its two inputs in an unknown state; let's say it starts with + slightly higher than – (which is at ground). The op-amp greatly amplifies this difference, bringing its output to the op-amp's positive power supply voltage, its maximum output (15 V in this case). With this positive input, the integrator's output falls at a constant rate.

The 10k and 4k resistors act as a voltage divider which put the first op-amp's + input 4/14ths of the way from the second op-amp's output to the first op-amp's output. When this input reaches ground, then the first op-amp's output switches polarity, and the integrator switches direction, forming the other half of the triangle. When the first op-amp switches polarity again, a new cycle begins.

1 comments Page 1 of 1.

Yi wen sau said:   10 years ago
Then how do I generate 40 kHz triangle wave? Thanks.

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