Electronics and Communication Engineering - Signals and Systems - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Signals and Systems - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
What about the stability of system in
system is stable
stable at 0.4
cant say
Answer: Option

ROC include the unit circle hence it is stable.

49 comments Page 2 of 5.

Khalique said:   10 years ago
How one can know the stability when ROC is unknown? In above question ROC can be inward, outward or. 4<|z|<2.

Rams said:   10 years ago
It depends on ROC we can't say anything about stability.

Soumya said:   10 years ago
Since the pole z=2 is outside the unit circle so it is unstable. II think the answer is wrong it cannot be stable.

Munir Hussain said:   10 years ago
System is unstable as ROC doesn't encircle unit circle.

Swapna said:   10 years ago
I can't understand please explain that clearly.

Aman said:   9 years ago
For stability we check mod of z which IC greater than 2 and 0.4. Hence we use upper limit that is z=2 which is outside uni circle, so system unstable.

Abhishek sharma said:   9 years ago
Either question is incomplete or its a wrong answer. Please refer some standards texts before putting it up.

Bhuwan joshi said:   9 years ago
Either they should give ROC.

4<z<2 for stability otherwise system will be unstable.

LD Nagar said:   9 years ago
The ROC is not given. So we can not say this signal is RHS or LHS. So this system is unstable.

Vikas said:   9 years ago
The condition of stable system is that the pole of a transfer function must be lie in the left half of s plane. So the system is unstable.

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