Electronics and Communication Engineering - Microwave Communication


Assertion (A): Inter-digitated geometry is widely used for microwave transistors.

Reason (R): Tuning at input and output of transistor uses MOS chip capacitors.

Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A
Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A
A is correct but R is wrong
A is wrong but R is correct
Answer: Option
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For a 1 cm x 2 cm air filled rectangular waveguide the maximum frequency should be less than about
1000 MHz
5000 MHz
14000 MHz
140000 MHz
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.

Hollow waveguides are used as transmission lines at frequencies
above 1 GHz
above 5 GHz
above 10 MHz
above 1 MHz
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.

If rv is reflection coefficient and VSWR is voltage standing wave ratio, then
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.

In the given figure the equivalent circuit of a T attenuator. If the condition for matched attenuator is
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.