Electronics and Communication Engineering - Automatic Control Systems

The effect of adding poles and zeros can be determined quickly by
Nichols chart
Nyquist plot
Bode plot
Root locus
Answer: Option
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In force current analogue, mechanical mobility is analogous to
impedance Z
admittance Y
reactance X
conductance G
Answer: Option
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If any term in the first column of a Routh array becomes zero, then
Routh criterion cannot be used to determine stability
Routh criterion can be used by substituting a small positive number for zero and completing the array
Routh criterion can be used by substituting a big positive number for zero and completing the array
Routh criterion can be used by substituting a small negative number for zero and completing the array
Answer: Option
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Which of the following features is not associated with Nichols chart?
(0 dB, -180°) point on Nichols chart represent critical Point (-1, 0)
It is symmetric about -180°
M loci are centred about (0 dB, -180°) point
The frequency at intersection of G(jω) locus and M = +3 dB locus gives bandwidth of closed loop system
Answer: Option
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The polar plot of
does not cross real axis
crosses real axis once
crosses real axis 2 times
crosses real axis 4 times
Answer: Option
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