Electronics and Communication Engineering - Automatic Control Systems
Exercise : Automatic Control Systems - Section 7
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 1
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 2
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 3
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 4
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 5
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 6
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 7
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 8
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 9
- Automatic Control Systems - Section 10
Consider the following systems
System I,
System II,
where C(s) is the output and R(s) is the input of these systems
System I,
System II,
where C(s) is the output and R(s) is the input of these systems
Nyquist stability criterion is based on a theorem from the theory of complex variables.
For the function G(s) H(s) = the phase cross-over frequency is
While forming Routh's array, the situation of a row of zeros indicates that the system
Assertion (A): In liquid system the ratio of change in liquid level to change in flow rate is called resistance of liquid flow.
Reason (R): In liquid level systems the ratio of change in liquid stored in a tank to the change in head is called capacitance of tank.
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