Electrical Engineering - RL Circuits - Discussion
Discussion Forum : RL Circuits - True or False (Q.No. 4)
The power factor indicates how much of the apparent power is reactive power.
6 comments Page 1 of 1.
Sharath said:
8 years ago
If we know apparent power and real power by power factor, easily we can calculate reactive power. Hence using pf reactive power can be find. Answer is true.
Pradeep said:
8 years ago
P.F = real power or active power/apparent power.
So, P.F indicate how much real power to apparent power. The answer is B.
So, P.F indicate how much real power to apparent power. The answer is B.
Pratap said:
10 years ago
Power factor indicates how much reactive power is apparent power.
Goutami said:
10 years ago
We know that Power factor = Real power/Apparent power.
Hence option B is correct.
Hence option B is correct.
Rajan India said:
10 years ago
Please send me the correct explanation of above question.
Hardik said:
1 decade ago
Because, The power factor indicates how much of the apparent power is real power.
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