Electrical Engineering - Energy and Power - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Energy and Power - General Questions (Q.No. 2)
When the pointer of an analog ohmmeter reads close to zero, the resistor being measured is
23 comments Page 1 of 3.
Kumar said:
1 decade ago
If shorted it will show directly zero.
I hope option A is the correct one.
Its conductivity is directly proportional to the rise in temperature. But in this condition the element offers certain resistance. So the meter shows reading near to zero but not zero.
I hope option A is the correct one.
Its conductivity is directly proportional to the rise in temperature. But in this condition the element offers certain resistance. So the meter shows reading near to zero but not zero.
Amit patel said:
1 decade ago
In case of ohmmeter, when the shot circuit condition than current pass maximum value after than circuit burn and current value will be zero this causes indicator is goes from close to zero.
Raju said:
1 decade ago
When circuit is said to be short R=0 for ideal, are is small value near to zero in practicals circuit. So that ohmmeter will show near to zero value instead of zero.
Sanoj said:
1 decade ago
The ammeter is connected in series so if an ammeter reads zero when there is no current is passing through it that is the ckt is open or disconnected.
Kirubakaran said:
1 decade ago
When a resistor is shorted then the current finds the low resistance path and no current flows through the resistor, that's why ohmmeter reads zero.
Kiran said:
1 decade ago
Resistor does not short circuited when it is individual. It reads zero ohms when it is in circuit if a short in circuit.
Sanjit keshari said:
10 years ago
All resistance are zero that is current is no flow through the circuit then circuit is short circuit then answer is B.
N KIRAN said:
1 decade ago
A resister does not possible to short circuit so, if meter shows near to zero it is a slight ohmic conductor.
Kunle said:
1 decade ago
It is overheated when it is NEAR or Approaching Zero while it is shorted when deflection is exactly at zero.
Manimaran said:
1 decade ago
Ohmmeter working on pass through the current value, so this going to zero value means this resistor shorted.
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