Digital Electronics - Logic Gates - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Logic Gates - General Questions (Q.No. 24)
A logic probe is used to test the pins of a 7411 IC with the following results. Is there a problem with the chip and if so, what is the problem?
8 comments Page 1 of 1.
Vishnu said:
9 years ago
Need a clear explanation.
Loukya said:
9 years ago
Clear explanation is needed.
Monisha said:
10 years ago
Please explain clearly?
1 decade ago
Because,pulsing means it will be 0 or 1. It is a 3i/p and gate;and here 6 is the o/p of the i/p=3,4,5;here 4i/p=1;5i/p=1 and only 3 is pulsing; So the ans will be o or i;
So ans is also pulsing.
So ans is also pulsing.
E.Mounica said:
1 decade ago
IC 7411 is an triple input AND gate.
Raj said:
1 decade ago
Explain this.
Jay said:
1 decade ago
Please explain.
Kiran said:
1 decade ago
Please explain this with reason.
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