Digital Electronics - Interfacing to the Analog World

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Where can I get the Digital Electronics section on "Interfacing to the Analog World" MCQ-type interview questions and answers (objective type, multiple choice)?

Here you can find multiple-choice Digital Electronics questions and answers based on "Interfacing to the Analog World" for your placement interviews and competitive exams. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are given too.

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How do I solve Digital Electronics quiz problems based on "Interfacing to the Analog World"?

You can easily solve Digital Electronics quiz problems based on "Interfacing to the Analog World" by practising the given exercises, including shortcuts and tricks.

Exercise : Interfacing to the Analog World - General Questions
If an analog signal is to be converted to an 8-bit resolution, how many comparators are used in a parallel-encoded ADC?
Answer: Option
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A transducer is a device that:
converts a physical variable to an electrical variable
converts analog data to meaningful data
controls a physical variable
stores digital data and then processes that data according to a set of specified instructions
Answer: Option
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How many different voltages can be output from a DAC with a 6-bit resolution?
Answer: Option
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A 4-bit R/2R D/A converter has a reference of 5 V. What is the analog output for the input code 0101?
3.125 V
0.3125 V
0.78125 V
–3.125 V
Answer: Option
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Which of the following describes the basic operation of a single-slope A/D converter.
The input voltage is used to set the frequency of a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO quits changing frequency when the input voltage stabilizes. The frequency of the VCO, which is proportional to the analog input voltage, is measured and is displayed on the digital display as a voltage reading.
A ramp generator is used to enable a counter through a comparator. When the ramp voltage equals the input voltage the counter is latched and then reset. The counter reading is proportional to the input voltage since the ramp is changing at a constant V/second rate.
A ramp voltage and analog input voltage are applied to a comparator. As the input voltage causes the integrating capacitor to charge, it will at some point equal the ramp voltage. The ramp voltage is measured and displayed on the digital panel meter.
Any of the above could be correct, depending on the specific type of A/D converter involved.
Answer: Option
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