Digital Electronics - Digital Arithmetic Operations and Circuits - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Digital Arithmetic Operations and Circuits - General Questions (Q.No. 7)
Add the following hexadecimal numbers.
3C |   | 14 |   | 3B |
+25 |   | +28 |   | +DC |
6 comments Page 1 of 1.
DK Rao said:
7 years ago
3C + 25 ==> C + 5 = 12 +5 = 17 > 16. So, 17 -16 =1 and 1 carry to next MSB.
==> 3 + 2 + 1 (Carry from previous addition) ==> 6.
Total = 61.
==> 3 + 2 + 1 (Carry from previous addition) ==> 6.
Total = 61.
Vinay said:
8 years ago
First find the decimal equivalent of 3C which will be = 3 * 16^1 + 12 * 16^0 i.e. 60.
Now find the decimal equivalent of 25 which will be= 2 * 16^1 + 5 * 16^0 i.e. 37.
Now add both these in the decimal form we get the decimal addition as= 60+37 i.e. 97.
Now convert this decimal 97 into hexadecimal format i.e. 61.
Now do the same for all.
Now find the decimal equivalent of 25 which will be= 2 * 16^1 + 5 * 16^0 i.e. 37.
Now add both these in the decimal form we get the decimal addition as= 60+37 i.e. 97.
Now convert this decimal 97 into hexadecimal format i.e. 61.
Now do the same for all.
Shashidhar said:
9 years ago
0110 0001 = 61 in BCD format.
Shreyan said:
9 years ago
First addition is wrong.
Usha said:
9 years ago
0110 0001 is not equal to 61.
Manish said:
1 decade ago
Value of C=1100, D=1101, B=1011
in binary addition
in binary addition
0011 1100 0001 0101 0011 1011
0010 0101 0010 1000 1101 1100
=0110 0001 =0011 1101 =0001 0001 0111
61 3C 117
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