Digital Electronics - Combinational Logic Circuits - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Combinational Logic Circuits - General Questions (Q.No. 5)

For the device shown here, let all D inputs be LOW, both S inputs be HIGH, and the input be HIGH. What is the status of the Y output?

Don't Care
Cannot be determined
Answer: Option
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Jay said:   3 years ago
Here, It is a multiplexer. Regardless of the input and current state of the output, the enable line is directly connected to the internal AND Gates.

Thus, when EN bar = HIGH, all AND Gates are LOW.

This is connected to the OR Gate seen in the sources above.

Thus, the answer is A.

Suren said:   6 years ago
The answer is A.

Enable high = 1.
Enable high (complement) = 0.

So in question, EN specified as complement.

Everybody knows in digital electronics any letter with bar is treated as a complement of that letter. So EN bar = 0.

It means EN bar = high it is equal to active low. That is = 0.

Arshid Bhat said:   7 years ago

Multiplexer only works when (enable is low), as Here enable is high that means multiplexer is not working, so the output is low.

Passi said:   7 years ago
As (EN not) is HIGH therefore EN should be low & whenever the enable is low the device don't work hence resultant o/p should be low.

Passi said:   7 years ago
As (EN not) is HIGH therefore EN should be low & whenever the enable is low the device don't work hence resultant o/p should be low.

Yugandhar said:   7 years ago
I think the answer is C.

Peddaraju said:   8 years ago
The answer would be D. As the IC is in off mode.

Nagesh said:   8 years ago
Answer is A.

Because when enable is low, the circuit will be disabled, so output will be low.

Dokhe said:   8 years ago
Because the D input out do the S input so the answer can be A, though the input is not enabled.

Jayant indLa said:   8 years ago
In any combinational or sequential digital circuit if they have En then only the circuit gives proper output value otherwise it should stay at a previous value, another wise circuit will enter into the meta-stable state.
So, it should remain or hold the previous value until next En High.
Here previously we have s1s2 as 11 so, it should be enabled d3 = 0.
so, the answer is LOW "0"

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