Database - Introduction to SQL - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Introduction to SQL - General Questions (Q.No. 1)
You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the following?
42 comments Page 1 of 5.
5 years ago
insert into TABLENAME into VALUES(col1,col2,....);
Ajin_k said:
8 years ago
Queries explanation:
1] ADD : It is used to add the column in already created table using alter keyword.
ex. alter table table_name ADD (column_name data_type(size));
2] CREATE: it is used to create the new table .
ex. CREATE table table_name (column_name data_type(size) );
3] INSERT: it is used to insert the row values into the already created table.
ex. INSERT into table_name values (1 ,'XYZ', ....)
or INSERT into table_name values(&column1, '&column2()',.....);
1] ADD : It is used to add the column in already created table using alter keyword.
ex. alter table table_name ADD (column_name data_type(size));
2] CREATE: it is used to create the new table .
ex. CREATE table table_name (column_name data_type(size) );
3] INSERT: it is used to insert the row values into the already created table.
ex. INSERT into table_name values (1 ,'XYZ', ....)
or INSERT into table_name values(&column1, '&column2()',.....);
Suchithra said:
8 years ago
You can add a row using INSERT keyword.
DKSIVA said:
5 years ago
insert into T.N values(1,2,3,4,5,....etc)
Mk kashyap said:
9 years ago
INSERT is only keyword to add a row in database/table.
MMD said:
4 weeks ago
Thanks everyone for explaining the answer.
Saikiran said:
7 years ago
"How to insert values into a table"?
Kanimozhi said:
8 years ago
INSERT is for putting in a fresh record to a table.
Vramakrishna said:
8 years ago
Insert into <table_name>[(column names)] values(value1,value2,....); .
Kitty said:
1 decade ago
We can add a row using the key word of insert.
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