Data Interpretation - Table Charts - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Table Charts - Table Chart 7 (Q.No. 1)
Directions to Solve

A school has four sections A, B, C, D of Class IX students.

The results of half yearly and annual examinations are shown in the table given below.

Result No. of Students
Section A Section B Section C Section D
Students failed in both Exams28231727
Students failed in half-yearly
but passed in Annual Exams
Students passed in half-yearly
but failed in Annual Exams
Students passed in both Exams64554676

If the number of students passing an examination be considered a criteria for comparision of difficulty level of two examinations, which of the following statements is true in this context?
Half yearly examinations were more difficult.
Annual examinations were more difficult.
Both the examinations had almost the same difficulty level.
The two examinations cannot be compared for difficulty level.
Answer: Option

Number of students who passed half-yearly exams in the school

  = (Number of students passed in half-yearly but failed in annual exams)

      + (Number of students passed in both exams)

  = (6 + 17 + 9 + 15) + (64 + 55 + 46 + 76)

  = 288.

Also, Number of students who passed annual exams in the school

  = (Number of students failed in half-yearly but passed in annual exams)

      + (Number of students passed in both exams)

  = (14 + 12 + 8 + 13) + (64 + 55 + 46 + 76)

  = 288.

Since, the number of students passed in half-yearly = the number of students passed in annual exams. Therefore, it can be inferred that both the examinations had almost the same difficulty level.

Thus Statements (a), (b) and (d) are false and Statement (c) is true.

4 comments Page 1 of 1.

Gaurav said:   9 years ago
I think no of student passing an exam can't depict the difficulty level.

Although the same set of student given both the exam, but passing % and difficulty level can't be compared as this is qualitative relationship.

SURIT said:   1 decade ago
Just add the half yearly and annual examination result.

47=47 for both second and third cases of the block.

KBS said:   1 decade ago

Yes you can leave that and get the answer because it is common in both.

Zakwan said:   1 decade ago
Why to add students passing in both exams it is redundant I think.

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