Data Interpretation - Table Charts - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Table Charts - Table Chart 6 (Q.No. 4)
Directions to Solve
The following table gives the sales of batteries manufactured by a company over the years.
Number of Different Types of Batteries Sold by a Company Over the Years (Numbers in Thousands)
Year | Types of Batteries | |||||
4AH | 7AH | 32AH | 35AH | 55AH | Total | |
1992 | 75 | 144 | 114 | 102 | 108 | 543 |
1993 | 90 | 126 | 102 | 84 | 126 | 528 |
1994 | 96 | 114 | 75 | 105 | 135 | 525 |
1995 | 105 | 90 | 150 | 90 | 75 | 510 |
1996 | 90 | 75 | 135 | 75 | 90 | 465 |
1997 | 105 | 60 | 165 | 45 | 120 | 495 |
1998 | 115 | 85 | 160 | 100 | 145 | 605 |
The percentage of 4AH batteries sold to the total number of batteries sold was maximum in the year?
Answer: Option
The percentages of sales of 4AH batteries to the total sales in different years are:
For 1992 = | 75 | x 100 | % = 13.81%. | ||
543 |
For 1993 = | 90 | x 100 | % = 17.05%. | ||
528 |
For 1994 = | 96 | x 100 | % = 18.29%. | ||
525 |
For 1995 = | 105 | x 100 | % = 20.59%. | ||
510 |
For 1996 = | 96 | x 100 | % = 19.35%. | ||
465 |
For 1997 = | 105 | x 100 | % = 21.21%. | ||
495 |
For 1998 = | 115 | x 100 | % = 19.01%. | ||
605 |
Clearly, the percentage is maximum in 1997.
15 comments Page 1 of 2.
Yashika said:
1 year ago
The Total sales are different in every time because it is the sum of all batteries in one year.
Prabandha said:
3 years ago
Please find that even it was mentioned 96 the value is calculated with 90/465 which is 19.35% and for 1997 it was 21.21% which is higher among all. So the answer is right. So its a type error. That's all.
Please find that even it was mentioned 96 the value is calculated with 90/465 which is 19.35% and for 1997 it was 21.21% which is higher among all. So the answer is right. So its a type error. That's all.
Chimi said:
4 years ago
Can anyone clarify how we got the denominator values?
Shubham Sharma said:
6 years ago
Yes, You are right @Shivam.
The Sales are taken wrong in 1996.
The Sales are taken wrong in 1996.
Shivam Kankani said:
6 years ago
The Answer should be C. Sales in 1996 is 90 and not 96.
Questian said:
6 years ago
In 1996, that is a number of sale of batteries is 90 not 96.
Pritam Banerjee said:
7 years ago
Is there any shortcut to tackle this? Please, anyone tell me.
Apporva said:
8 years ago
Is there any shortcut to solve this? Please tell me.
Sowmya said:
8 years ago
Is there any easy way to find the highest or 1 or 2 higher percentages?
Poonam said:
8 years ago
Please give me the answer with clear explanation.
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