Data Interpretation - Table Charts - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Table Charts - Table Chart 6 (Q.No. 3)
Directions to Solve

The following table gives the sales of batteries manufactured by a company over the years.

Number of Different Types of Batteries Sold by a Company Over the Years (Numbers in Thousands)

Year Types of Batteries
4AH 7AH 32AH 35AH 55AH Total

What is the difference in the number of 35AH batteries sold in 1993 and 1997?
Answer: Option

Required difference = [(84 - 45) x 1000] = 39000.

22 comments Page 1 of 3.

U. Tenzay said:   3 years ago
So, a number of particular batteries sold in a particular year expressed in thousand will be how much?

Eg. the Number of 35 AH batteries sold in the year 1993 is 84, so how is it 84 expressed in thousand?

Can anyone explain this?

Nayana HM said:   4 years ago
Hi All.

35AH batteries sold in the year 1993 is 84.
35AH batteries sold in the year 1997 is 45.

Difference = 84-45=39.

A number of Different Types of Batteries Sold by a Company Over the Years (Numbers in Thousands)as given in the main question.

39 * 1000 = 39000.

Hope it's clear.

Sunil Kumar said:   6 years ago
Agree @Nirmala.

Please anyone clear it.

Nirmala said:   6 years ago
Why we multiply it with 1000?

Rita karad said:   7 years ago
(Numbers in Thousands) that's why its multiplied by 1000.

Uday kiran said:   7 years ago
1000 multiplied because the Answer digit's in thousands.

Pavan said:   7 years ago
Why we multiply by 100? Please explain.

Oreva said:   7 years ago
@Deena when they say difference it means subtraction.

So you subtract the sales of batteries in the years mentioned.

That is why we have 84-45.

Deena said:   7 years ago
Why 84-45? Explain in detail.

Anonymous said:   9 years ago
Please read the question carefully.

It is clearly mentioned that number of batteries sold is in thousands.

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