Data Interpretation - Bar Charts - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Bar Charts - Bar Chart 1 (Q.No. 4)
Directions to Solve
The bar graph given below shows the sales of books (in thousand number) from six branches of a publishing company during two consecutive years 2000 and 2001.
Sales of Books (in thousand numbers) from Six Branches - B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 of a publishing Company in 2000 and 2001.
What is the average sales of all the branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000?
Answer: Option
Average sales of all the six branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000
= | 1 | x [80 + 75 + 95 + 85 + 75 + 70] |
6 |
= 80.
15 comments Page 1 of 2.
Agatha said:
6 months ago
The 1/6 is the number of all the sales in 2000. It's from B1 to B6 that's why you divide with 6.
If it's sale B1 to B3 then you divide with 1/3. That's how it goes. If the sales is up to 10 and it says to find it per cent.
Then B1 to B10, it will be 1/10. You divide the total by 10.
The 1/6 is the number of all the sales in 2000. It's from B1 to B6 that's why you divide with 6.
If it's sale B1 to B3 then you divide with 1/3. That's how it goes. If the sales is up to 10 and it says to find it per cent.
Then B1 to B10, it will be 1/10. You divide the total by 10.
Arjun gujjar said:
7 months ago
Agree, the right answer is 80.
Supriya said:
8 months ago
Agree, the right answer is 80.
Wasihun Akeberegn said:
11 months ago
I am not getting this. Please explain to me clearly.
Thungjano humtsoe said:
1 year ago
How come 1/6? Please explain me.
Cynthia said:
3 years ago
Thanks all for given simple and clear answer.
Sandeep solanki said:
3 years ago
Add all branches in (2000)/total no of branches in (2000)
80 + 75 + 95 + 85 + 75 + 70/6 = 80.
80 + 75 + 95 + 85 + 75 + 70/6 = 80.
Indhulekha J said:
4 years ago
Avg = total/no of branches.
= 80 + 75 + 95 + 85 + 75 + 70(for year 2000)/6.
= 80 + 75 + 95 + 85 + 75 + 70(for year 2000)/6.
Adi said:
4 years ago
1/6 is done to take average of all the branches for that year.
1/6 is done to take average of all the branches for that year.
Saranya said:
4 years ago
I think 1/6 for 2000 and for 2011.
I think 11/6 so, I get the answer 546.66.
I think 11/6 so, I get the answer 546.66.
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