Current Affairs - Bills and Acts - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Bills and Acts - Latest Current Affairs (Q.No. 67)
What is the primary objective of the Monitoring App for Seamless Inspection (MASI) developed by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR)?
To enhance the communication between Child Care Institutions (CCIs) and the Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs).
To automate the process of child welfare assessments.
To provide real-time monitoring and inspection of Child Care Institutions (CCIs) as per the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.
To create a unified platform for communication between State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCRs) and Child Welfare Committees (CWCs).
Answer: Option
The MASI application aims to ensure effective and efficient monitoring of Child Care Institutions (CCIs) and their inspection process under the Juvenile Justice Act, of 2015.
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