C++ Programming - OOPS Concepts - Discussion
Discussion Forum : OOPS Concepts - General Questions (Q.No. 15)
Which of the following is an abstract data type?
21 comments Page 1 of 3.
14 hours ago
1.string is an abstract data type (ADT) because it defines data and operations without revealing implementation details.
2.class is a blueprint for creating objects and does not inherently define an abstract data type.
1.string is an abstract data type (ADT) because it defines data and operations without revealing implementation details.
2.class is a blueprint for creating objects and does not inherently define an abstract data type.
Saurabh Sakharkar said:
1 year ago
In the context of object-oriented programming, a class is considered an abstract data type (ADT). A class encapsulates data and functions into a single unit, allowing the user to create objects with specific properties and behaviors.
Vedi G said:
5 years ago
In a class one pure virtual function is there that is call abstract class.
Pure virtual class means [virtual void add()=0;]
Pure virtual class means [virtual void add()=0;]
Shubham sharma said:
6 years ago
Abstract data type and abstract function are different.
Sanket said:
8 years ago
An Abstract class means class which contains pure virtual function as a pure virtual function is having address zero if we try to create an object for the abstract class there is a chance to call pure virtual function which leads to segmentation fault so the object is restricted for abstract class.
Ranjith said:
8 years ago
Please describe the abstract data type.
Logi said:
8 years ago
An abstract class has no objects.
Aishwarya said:
9 years ago
Give a real life example for abstract data type.
Priya said:
9 years ago
I can't understand what it meant by abstract data type?
Varun said:
9 years ago
What is missing here? How the literal meaning of abstract and the class definition together make a new meaning? Please explain clearly.
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