C++ Programming - OOPS Concepts - Discussion
Discussion Forum : OOPS Concepts - General Questions (Q.No. 15)
Which of the following is an abstract data type?
20 comments Page 1 of 2.
Saurabh Sakharkar said:
7 months ago
In the context of object-oriented programming, a class is considered an abstract data type (ADT). A class encapsulates data and functions into a single unit, allowing the user to create objects with specific properties and behaviors.
Vedi G said:
5 years ago
In a class one pure virtual function is there that is call abstract class.
Pure virtual class means [virtual void add()=0;]
Pure virtual class means [virtual void add()=0;]
Shubham sharma said:
5 years ago
Abstract data type and abstract function are different.
Sanket said:
7 years ago
An Abstract class means class which contains pure virtual function as a pure virtual function is having address zero if we try to create an object for the abstract class there is a chance to call pure virtual function which leads to segmentation fault so the object is restricted for abstract class.
Ranjith said:
8 years ago
Please describe the abstract data type.
Logi said:
8 years ago
An abstract class has no objects.
Aishwarya said:
8 years ago
Give a real life example for abstract data type.
Priya said:
8 years ago
I can't understand what it meant by abstract data type?
Varun said:
8 years ago
What is missing here? How the literal meaning of abstract and the class definition together make a new meaning? Please explain clearly.
Pooja said:
9 years ago
According to me abstract means its hides the operation being performed in it. Class functions are abstract to us.
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