Civil Engineering - Water Supply Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Water Supply Engineering - Section 1 (Q.No. 25)
Corrosion of well pipes may not be reduced by
10 comments Page 1 of 1.
Lalit chate said:
2 years ago
Reduces by the removal of dissolved oxygen.
Aadarsh Devkate said:
6 years ago
The Answer is E. None of these.
Anm said:
7 years ago
It's erosion.
Vishal said:
7 years ago
Please, can anyone explain this?
Garry said:
7 years ago
If velocity will high Re will be more losses will be more so surface of pipe will get eroded if large size mesh used then head loss will be very less and erosion can't be controlled in this way.
Amit said:
8 years ago
Please explain.
Raja said:
8 years ago
I didn't get anything. Please explain it.
Abunu said:
8 years ago
Explain it.
Kislay Srivastav said:
8 years ago
Is there any reason for this?
9 years ago
Can anyone explain the concept?
Because I'm not able to understand this.
Because I'm not able to understand this.
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