Civil Engineering - Waste Water Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Waste Water Engineering - Section 2 (Q.No. 33)
Dry water flow in a combined sewer, is
11 comments Page 1 of 2.
Mutahhir ahemad said:
7 years ago
D is the correct answer.
Orai said:
7 years ago
Yes, D is the right answer.
Satya Kiran said:
7 years ago
DWF excludes Stormwater flows.
Shekhar said:
7 years ago
D is right. I too agree.
Garry said:
7 years ago
D is the correct answer for combined system.
Shibu said:
7 years ago
It's should be D. Wet water flow contain stormwater only. And dry water flow contains answer D.
Sudip said:
7 years ago
Yes, D should be the correct answer.
Mary said:
8 years ago
D should be the answer.
Anirban said:
8 years ago
D should be the correct answer.
Baloch said:
8 years ago
Yes, @Abhimanyu D is the right answer.
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