Civil Engineering - Theory of Structures - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Theory of Structures - Section 2 (Q.No. 40)
A steel bar 5 m x 50 mm is loaded with 250, 000 N. If the modulus of elasticity of the material is 0.2 MN/mm2 and Poisson's ratio is 0.25, the change in the volume of the bar is :
7 comments Page 1 of 1.
Archana said:
4 years ago
Can anyone explain the answer in detail?
Imtiaz hakim said:
5 years ago
hERE a steel bar 5m length and 50mm dia...then the original volume will be Pid2/4 multiply length = .01m3.
Now change in volume = 25000÷( .002 * .2 *10^6) multiply (1-2*.25).01 = 3.125cm3.
hERE a steel bar 5m length and 50mm dia...then the original volume will be Pid2/4 multiply length = .01m3.
Now change in volume = 25000÷( .002 * .2 *10^6) multiply (1-2*.25).01 = 3.125cm3.
Sourabh said:
6 years ago
Please explain the answer in detail.
Ram said:
7 years ago
Please explain.
Please explain.
Shuva said:
7 years ago
Yes, right agree @Srinu.
Bhushan said:
7 years ago
Here, Ch in volume=3 (Pl/E) (1-2m).
Srinu said:
8 years ago
Ch in vol= (p ÷ae)(1-2u)V.
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