Civil Engineering - Surveying - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Surveying - Section 4 (Q.No. 5)
Which of the following introduces an error of about 1 in 1000 if 20 m chain is used
12 comments Page 1 of 2.
Ravikiran s said:
9 years ago
So which one is clear I mean which gives accurate reading without an error.
Souvik said:
8 years ago
Please describe it.
Ramakanth said:
8 years ago
Explain the answer.
Ritu said:
7 years ago
Someone please explain the concept.
Saikat said:
7 years ago
1 in 1000 means 1000 m = 1m.
then 20 m = 1/1000* 20=20mm.
then 20 m = 1/1000* 20=20mm.
Biks said:
7 years ago
Answer should be A.
Laxmi said:
5 years ago
Please give an explanation clearly.
Raz said:
5 years ago
Why all of the above.
Sudip said:
5 years ago
Slope error= 20mm = h^2/2L.
Then, h=0.89m~0.9m.
i.e. one end is 0.9m higher/lower than another end.
Then, h=0.89m~0.9m.
i.e. one end is 0.9m higher/lower than another end.
NAMAN soni said:
5 years ago
Please explain the given solution.
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