Civil Engineering - Surveying - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Surveying - Section 2 (Q.No. 4)
The branch of surveying in which both horizontal and vertical positions of a point, are determined by making instrumental observations, is known
24 comments Page 1 of 3.
Minesh Rathore said:
7 years ago
Tacheometry (or Tachemetry or Telemetry) is a branch of angular surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained by optical means as opposed to the ordinary slower process of measurements by tape or chain. The method is very rapid and convenient.
Tacheometry (or Tachemetry or Telemetry) is a branch of angular surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained by optical means as opposed to the ordinary slower process of measurements by tape or chain. The method is very rapid and convenient.
Student said:
9 years ago
I think the answer should be a) Tacheometry.
Is a system of rapid surveying, by which the horizontal and vertical positions of points on the earth's surface relative to one another are determined without using a chain or tape, or a separate levelling instrument.
Is a system of rapid surveying, by which the horizontal and vertical positions of points on the earth's surface relative to one another are determined without using a chain or tape, or a separate levelling instrument.
Harish said:
7 years ago
A tachymeter or tacheometer is a type of theodolite used for rapid measurements and determines, electronically or electro-optically, the distance to target. The principles of action are similar to those of rangefinders.
Dhanu said:
7 years ago
Given answer is correct.
Tacheometry or tachemetry or telemetry is a branch of angular surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained.
Tacheometry or tachemetry or telemetry is a branch of angular surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained.
Jai hind said:
8 years ago
A tacheometer is correct. Telemetry is a different device used in remote sensing. Tachemetry is no word in dictionary.
Shumaila soomro said:
5 years ago
Telementry is defined as tele=remote and metry= measurement.
So, I think Option A is correct.
So, I think Option A is correct.
Narayan said:
4 years ago
Tacheometry is also known as Telemetry and tachemetey.
7 years ago
This is a gross error. The answer is A (Tacheometry).
Ram soni said:
7 years ago
Tacheometry is also known as tachymetry or telemetry.
Dhanu said:
8 years ago
A is right answer. Then how correct answer is D?
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