Civil Engineering - Structural Design Specifications - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Structural Design Specifications - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
The area of the concrete in compression plus the area of reinforcement transferred on the basis of modular ratio, is called
17 comments Page 2 of 2.
7 years ago
Refer IS 456-2000.
Clause -22.3.1 c.
Option C is correct.
Clause -22.3.1 c.
Option C is correct.
Er. Arun dev singh said:
8 years ago
Yes, the right answer is equivalent section.
Er. rawnuk bhagawan said:
8 years ago
It should be an equivalent section.
Bash said:
8 years ago
Yes, cracked section protects the concrete.
Syed said:
8 years ago
Yes, the answer is equivalent section.
8 years ago
I think the answer is equivalent section.
Mahesh Panda said:
1 decade ago
Concrete area in compression and equivalent area of steel in compression as per modular ratio is called the Equivalent section.
Cracked section is that portion of concrete which in beyond tension steel and is in tension so cracks may develop in this region.
Cracked section is that portion of concrete which in beyond tension steel and is in tension so cracks may develop in this region.
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