Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design - Discussion

Discussion Forum : RCC Structures Design - Section 1 (Q.No. 6)
An R.C.C. column is treated as long if its slenderness ratio is greater than
Answer: Option
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Pankaj Pokhrel said:   1 year ago
I believe 12 is the limit for the effective length of a column to its least lateral dimension which is not the slenderness ratio.

However, the limit for the slenderness ratio is 50 and above to be a long column as the slenderness ratio is the ratio of effective length to its least radius of gyration.

Mayuri Prasad said:   1 year ago
An R.C.C. column is treated as long as its slenderness ratio is greater than 50.

Tuhin Mondal said:   2 years ago
According to IS 456.

Short column - Slenderness Ratio <= 12.
Long Column - Slenderness Ratio > 12.

Arjun Bista said:   3 years ago
40 is the correct answer.

Aaqib Hussain said:   3 years ago
If :
SR < 3 ----> Pedestal.
3 < SR < 12 ----> Short column.
12 < SR < 60 ----> Long column.

MJM Gcekalahandi said:   4 years ago
According to me, It should be 12 or 40. Anyone, explain the right answer.

Rajendra chand said:   4 years ago
I think it is 40.

Eslam said:   4 years ago
It is <40 short.

Dipak sah said:   4 years ago
I think 40 is the correct answer.

Qamar said:   5 years ago
A short steel column is one whose slenderness ratio does not exceed 50; an intermediate length steel column has a slenderness ratio ranging from about 50 to 200, and are dominated by the strength limit of the material, while a long steel column may be assumed to have a slenderness ratio greater than 200.

For RCC Column, i) When the ratio of the effective length to its least lateral dimension is less than or equal to 12 it is called as short column. . Why this is important? - Long columns under compression can fail via both bucklings (bending sideways) as well as crushing.

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