Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design - Discussion
Discussion Forum : RCC Structures Design - Section 2 (Q.No. 4)
For stairs spanning horizontally, the minimum waist provided is
26 comments Page 1 of 3.
Mali alpesh k said:
2 years ago
Yes, it should be 8 cm.
Ref: R.S. Khurmi.
Ref: R.S. Khurmi.
Ms khan mewati said:
5 years ago
8 cm is Correct.
Uttam said:
7 years ago
Yes it should be 8 cm.
Ref: R.S. Khurmi/ conventional and objective type civil engineering book.
Ref: R.S. Khurmi/ conventional and objective type civil engineering book.
Engr khan said:
2 years ago
The right answer should be 8cm.
Savita said:
9 years ago
Minimum waist slab should be 8 cm.
2 years ago
As per my knowledge, it will be 120mm.
Muhammad Tabish said:
2 years ago
The waist is the thickness of an inclined slab and it is considered 8cm for the stair spanning horizontally
Sakun said:
4 years ago
12 cm is the correct answer.
Cigo said:
6 years ago
Here, 8 cm is the correct answer.
Riya Biswas said:
6 years ago
80 mm for stair dpanung horizontally.
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