Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design - Discussion

Discussion Forum : RCC Structures Design - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
In a combined footing if shear stress exceeds 5 kg/cm2, the nominal stirrups provided are:
6 legged
8 legged
10 legged
12 legged
none of these.
Answer: Option
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75 comments Page 2 of 8.

Jayant said:   5 years ago
Explain the answer.

Basu said:   6 years ago
Is it recommended by IS code?

Pavi said:   6 years ago
If the shear stresses not more than 5 kg/cm^2 = 8 legged stirrups.
Shear stress more than 5kg/cm^2 = 12 legged.

P.Tarun kumar naik said:   7 years ago
In case of combined footing under axial loading we can use 12 legged stirrups.

THAKUR PANWAR said:   7 years ago
If shear stress exceeds 5kg/cm2 then use 12 mm and when it is less than 5 then use 8mm stirrup.

S.JayaRanjanj said:   7 years ago
Explain the reason of using12 legged stirrups for combined footing.

Ashok said:   7 years ago
Please anyone explain me.

Navneet said:   7 years ago
Please explain it.

Surendra kumar said:   7 years ago
Please explain this.

Rathna Roxs said:   7 years ago
Please explain this.

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