Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design - Discussion

Discussion Forum : RCC Structures Design - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
In a combined footing if shear stress exceeds 5 kg/cm2, the nominal stirrups provided are:
6 legged
8 legged
10 legged
12 legged
none of these.
Answer: Option
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75 comments Page 1 of 8.

Heeenu said:   4 years ago
If shear stress is greater than 5kg/cm^2 then we use 12 legged stirrups and if it less than 5kg/cm^2 then we use 8 legged striups.

Pashupati Bhatt said:   2 years ago
Footing essentially acts as a wide beam.

Normally, in combined footing, we do not provide shear reinforcement. If nominal shear strength exceeds permissible shear strength, then its depth is increased so that nominal shear strength is less than permissible shear strength.

However, Shear reinforcement is provided when nominal exceeds permissible shear strength. It depends on dia, stress & spacing of stirrups. It is not fair to say 8 or 12-legged.

Ms.Aboli Rajendra Shinde said:   5 years ago
If the shear stresses not more than 5 kg/cm^2 = 8 legged stirrups.

And If Shear stress more than 5kg/cm^2 = 12 legged stirrups.

Alpesh said:   5 years ago
If it >5 then 12.

If <5 then 8 stirrups.

Dheeru35 said:   3 years ago
Please explain.

Harichandra bhandari said:   7 years ago
I am not understanding this. Please explain 12 legged is correct.

Mathavakannan said:   4 years ago
Not getting the Answer. Please explain to me in detail.

Niva said:   5 years ago
Right, thanks @VK Singh.

Vk singh said:   5 years ago
If it >5 than 12.

If <5 than 8 stirrup.

Rajesh nenavath said:   8 years ago
Please explain clearly to understand the solution.

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