Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design - Discussion
Discussion Forum : RCC Structures Design - Section 2 (Q.No. 1)
A T-beam behaves as a rectangular beam of a width equal to its flange if its neutral axis
7 comments Page 1 of 1.
Nira said:
10 years ago
Explain it.
Nhoek ren said:
9 years ago
Give me explanation with figure or picture.
Suman Das said:
8 years ago
Give the explanation.
Ahsaan said:
8 years ago
When the neutral axis remains in a flange, the lower part of N.A we do not consider in design so the upper part of N.A is like a rectangular.
Shah fahad said:
8 years ago
When the neutral axis lies in the flange section, not in the web we have to design it as a simple rectangular beam as the compression block is limited in the flanges.
Sourav said:
7 years ago
When the neutral axis lies within the flange then we design the beam as a singly reinforced section.
Lalit said:
3 years ago
1) When NA lies in flange then;
The stress block dig above NA is a rectangular parabola. So stress distribution is linear
TF= 0.87fy.Ast.
(2) when NA falls in Web.
Stress in the flange is not uniform so analysis becomes difficult;
-Stress changes the constant value after the depth (3/7).
The stress block dig above NA is a rectangular parabola. So stress distribution is linear
TF= 0.87fy.Ast.
(2) when NA falls in Web.
Stress in the flange is not uniform so analysis becomes difficult;
-Stress changes the constant value after the depth (3/7).
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