Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design

Based on punching shear consideration, the overall depth of a combined footing under a column A, is
None of these.
Answer: Option
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An intermediate T-beam reinforced with two layers of tensile steel with clear cover 13 cm encasted with the floor of a hall 12 metres by 7 metres, is spaced at 3 metres from adjoining beams and if the width of the beam is 20 cm, the breadth of the flange is
300 cm
233 cm
176 cm
236 cm
255 cm
Answer: Option
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Pick up the assumption for the design of a prestressed concrete member from the following :
A transverse plane section remains a plane after bending
During deformation limits, Hook's law is equally applicable to concrete as well as to steel
Variation of stress in reinforcement due to changes in external loading is negligible
All the above.
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.

If the diameter of the main reinforcement in a slab is 16 mm, the concrete cover to main bars is
12 mm
13 mm
14 mm
15 mm
16 mm
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.

Side face reinforcement shall be provided in the beam when depth of the web in a beam exceeds
50 cm
75 cm
100 cm
120 cm
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.