Civil Engineering - GATE Exam Questions - Discussion
Discussion Forum : GATE Exam Questions - Section 1 (Q.No. 47)
Un-factored maximum bending moments at a section of a reinforced concrete beam resulting from a frame analysis are 50, 80, 120 and 180 kNm under dead, live, wind and earthquake loads respectively. The design moment (kNm) as per IS: 456-2000 for the limit state of collapse (flexure) is
12 comments Page 1 of 2.
Santosh said:
4 years ago
Thank you all.
Swar said:
6 years ago
Yes, it is a rule that wind load and earthquake loads should not be considered together.
Shakil alwar said:
7 years ago
Wind load and earthquake load not consider together.
7 years ago
Here, the seismic load is maximum w.r.t wind load, so the seismic load is considered.
Arya said:
8 years ago
Assumed as wind and earthquake forces will never act together, so seismic only considered.
Vaibhav said:
8 years ago
Is it every time possible that, wind load is always less than earthquake load?
Shail said:
9 years ago
@Mr. Anurag.
If there is seismic wave then the effect of wind is neglected, it is not optional.
If there is seismic wave then the effect of wind is neglected, it is not optional.
Saajan said:
9 years ago
Wind load is given because this question is for GATE examination. Just for the sole purpose of creating confusion.
Anurag srivastava said:
9 years ago
Then why wind load is given when it is optional.
DileepBarnwal said:
1 decade ago
Design moment = maximum of 1.2(DL + LL + EQ/WL).
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