Civil Engineering - Applied Mechanics - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Applied Mechanics - Section 4 (Q.No. 9)
A load of 500 kg was lifted through a distance of 13 cm. by an effort of 25 kg which moved through a distance of 650 cm. The mechanical advantage of the lifting machine is
Answer: Option
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4 comments Page 1 of 1.

Subhajit mahata said:   6 years ago
Please explain the answer in detail.

Anjana Honey said:   6 years ago
Mechanical Advantage (MA) = Load(W)/Effort(P).
MA = W/P,
= 500/25,
= 20.
So, Option C.

SREE VIDHYA said:   8 years ago
The ratio of weight (load) lifted by a machine to the force (effort) applied on a machine is called mechanical advantage of the machine.

PRIYANKA said:   8 years ago
LOAD/EFFORT = 500/25 = 20.

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